How To Make Changes to Purchase Order While It Is In Process of Approval

Aytan Vahidova
3 min readNov 20, 2020

Learn how to edit Purchase Order in Oracle Fusion if you have submitted it already

Today I will take you through the process of how Buyer can edit Purchase Order while it is on pending approval status. Please note that in our case Order will not be finally approved by all Approvers. When submitting Order to approval, Purchase Order status changes to Pending Approval. And it is much more likely that buyers make mistakes while Order creation and submission and want to modify the Order before it is finally approved.

Purchase Order Withdrawal

Say Purchase Order has been submitted to Approval by Buyer already. As soon as Order is submitted status changes to Pending Approval.

Now Buyer realized that needs to do some changes to Purchase Order. In this case, Buyer withdraws Order from Approval by clicking on Withdraw from Actions.

