SAAS PAAS and IAAS in Oracle Cloud Computing
Learn the difference between 3 delivery modules in Oracle Cloud Computing
Let us talk about 2 different software existing in the market today. Oracle E-Business Suite and Oracle Fusion Cloud. What are the major differences between this 2 software?
The major difference is E-Business Suite is an on-premise server. If you will use Oracle E-Business Suite then you need to setup Server Infrastructure within your company. But for Fusion Cloud the company does not need any Server Infrastructure setup. Oracle Fusion gives you access based on your subscription.
The other point about Fusion is that you do not need a location to set up Fusion Server as for Oracle E-Business Suite you require a location for Server. You will need to create a Server Network and you need to setup Server Infrastructure for EBS. But for Fusion, you do not require any Server Network and can log in from anywhere and from any laptop, PC or any system. There is no restriction.
Also, Oracle E-Business Suite is more costly than Oracle Fusion as you are maintaining a Server Infrastructure. The major cost for IT Infrastructure is for Server only. Applications do not take a lot of costs to maintain. That is the reason E-Business Suite is more costly than Fusion.
So E-Business Unite you can own, but Oracle Fusion Application you can buy as a rent. Say Company goes to Cloud Services and say we want to buy Oracle subscription, how do you think Oracle sell them the subscriptions? There are 3 subscriptions Oracle Fusion can provide its customers with and we will see the details for each one:
- SAAS ( Software as Service)
- PAAS (Platform as a Service)
- IAAS (Infrastructure as a Service)
Software as a Service (SAAS)
When the company subscribes to SAAS, Oracle Fusion provides the customer with Software as a service. It means they give access only for Application. You can log in and you can process your business data and that is it. You will not be able to see the data in the tables if you have SAAS subscription. This subscription is mainly owned by small organizations as this subscription does not require a huge amount of investment.
The downside of this subscription is that you can not customize as you do not get access to the backend. You will continue to use the standard application the way how Oracle Fusion provided and developed the application.
However, you get an advantage of Oracle upgrades. Upgrade happens automatically.
Platform as a Service (PAAS)
In this subscription, the company receives platform access along with application access. A platform is a backend where software is developed. The main advantage of this subscription is that you can customize. This service can be advantageous for major big companies as such companies mostly do not use standard functions. They do not use functions as Oracle provides. Some functions are getting customized. Sometimes they customize the function by 10,20 or 30% according to their business needs.
However, you cannot develop a new application or function when you own this subscription. You are only entitled to customize an existing application or function.
Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)
With this subscription you receive infrastructure. We said earlier that with Oracle Fusion you do not have to set up infrastructure within the company. But with this subscription, we are talking about virtual infrastructure which works with the internet. Oracle Fusion creates a virtual infrastructure and then gives you access to it.
Say, for example, a company would like to use SAP as a software application and want to install it in this Oracle Fusion Server. The company wants to maintain server from Oracle Cloud but the application they will use will be SAP. So with this subscription company can install any application in Oracle Server.
As Oracle provides you with infrastructure access with this subscription it can be very costly as they are allowing you to use some third-party applications.
That is it, guys:) Hope you are clear with the topic. If not, please do not hesitate to reach me.
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I am an Oracle Functional Specialist with more than 6 years of experience. I help clients to understand software capabilities and to analyze business needs. My main goal is to recommend solutions and ultimately guide through all phases of Oracle Cloud Applications. I am also inspired to write about life, improvement and personal growth.